
Showing posts from January, 2022

The Shrouded Woman

 The Shrouded Woman  The Shrouded Woman is my second text I have read for this course, and compared to the first novel Swann's Way, I really enjoyed it. When I first began reading I was worried I was not going to understand the story as i found Swann's Way difficult to understand. Despite going into it thinking I wouldn't understand, after the first page I was completely hooked to the story.  Similarly to Swann's Way, one thing that stood out to me was how beautifully descriptive and visual this story was. The language used was intense and thoughtful, but not to the point where it overcomplicated the story, it was the perfect amount. This aspect of the novel allowed me to feel as though I was there in all of these different situation with Ana Maria, and experiencing these things with her. It felt like a real journey into her mind where she wasn't necessarily telling me as a reader these stories, but almost like I was in her mind without her even knowing. These memor

Combray - Proust

Combray - Proust  Part 1 of Combray definitely left me confused. Although it was beautifully written and was clear on some aspects of the plot, I still found it very difficult to follow any kind of storyline. This may because, from my understanding, Marcel is going back and fourth from reality to dreams/memories. If that is the case then maybe I was not supposed to follow a direct plot and it was supposed to feel like it was jumping from one thing to another. I'm not sure which parts Marcel was awake and which were dreams. Since I do not feel like I understood the story a whole lot, I will speak on the few themes I did catch from my reading and some things I liked about it.  The first thing I noticed within the first page was the use of imagery. Throughout the entire book I was able to visualize exactly what the author was trying to describe. One major example of this is when he was describing the stained - glass windows. I thought it was beautiful when he was speaking about how th

Who Am I?

 Hi!  My name is Sidney Grigg. I'm currently in my second year and still have not figured out what I would like to major in. I'm leaning towards Psychology or Sociology but definitely still need some time to decide. I have lived in Vancouver my whole life and do not plan on leaving. Although I live Downtown and not on campus, I'm super lucky to live in a city like this where everything is so easily accessible. I love living downtown and definitely plan to stay here forever. Besides my studies at UBC, my dream career path is to become an actress. I've been acting since I was about 12 years old and hope to continue to pursue this dream of mine while still studying at UBC (just incase that doesn't work out haha!) This passion of mine really came out of nowhere, but I'm so glad I decided to take on the opportunity of getting an agent and started auditioning. As much as an amazing career path it would be, it also has become a hobby of mine. Other hobbies of mine incl