Who Am I?


My name is Sidney Grigg. I'm currently in my second year and still have not figured out what I would like to major in. I'm leaning towards Psychology or Sociology but definitely still need some time to decide. I have lived in Vancouver my whole life and do not plan on leaving. Although I live Downtown and not on campus, I'm super lucky to live in a city like this where everything is so easily accessible. I love living downtown and definitely plan to stay here forever. Besides my studies at UBC, my dream career path is to become an actress. I've been acting since I was about 12 years old and hope to continue to pursue this dream of mine while still studying at UBC (just incase that doesn't work out haha!) This passion of mine really came out of nowhere, but I'm so glad I decided to take on the opportunity of getting an agent and started auditioning. As much as an amazing career path it would be, it also has become a hobby of mine. Other hobbies of mine include travelling, trying new restaurants/foods, and honestly just relaxing watching movies or TV shows. 

As I've read in many other blog posts, I did decide to take this course to fulfill my literature requirement. I was a little hesitant going into the first lecture yesterday because I had no idea what to expect. I'm so glad I'm not alone when saying I am super excited for this course based on yesterdays lecture. It was so different than what I was expecting, in the best way possible. I was also worried about the structure as I've never seen a course done like this, but I'm looking forward to trying something new. I believe this structure will help me hold myself accountable and also push myself to do more than the bare minimum which unfortunately I don't always do! I was never big on reading, but through the pandemic I've read a few books and enjoyed them a lot. None of the books listed for this course is anything like what I've been reading so I'm excited to broaden my type of literature. I did french immersion from kindergarten through grade 12 of Highschool so I would say I'm familiar with some aspects of romance languages, but definitely have tons of room to learn more about this topic! 


  1. Hello Sidney, thank you for sharing your blog post! I relate so much to your struggles of deciding a major. I feel like studying in arts allows us many freedom of choices but that freedom also makes it so much harder. Also, it's so cool that your career dream is to become an actress. It's quite inspiring to see someone with a determined career goal pursue academics as well. I look forward to seeing you on screen in the future! Looking forward to reading your blogposts in the future as well.

    - Daniel

  2. Hi Sid! Saw you commented on mine some wonderful words, it is nice to virtually meet you! I empathize with your struggle to choose a major - such a hard choice! I study sociology so I am bias towards that! It is really cool that your goal is to become an actress ; you have got this. It's also smart to come to ubc as your education can grow and impact your career in such a positive way. Excited to get through this course and some fun but challenging readings together!

  3. Hi Sidney! I think thats amazing that your dream is to be an actress, I admire that you have such a strong idea and concept of who you want to be in the future. I also relate heavily with your struggles of choosing a major, there's definitely a lot of pressure to chose the best option even though no one really knows what that is. I look forward to seeing your blog posts in the future and hope that we will both enjoy this course!


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