Final Blog Post

I can wholeheartedly say I am very sad to be writing this blog post, the only thing keeping me a little happy about this course coming to an end is that we still have two classes together even after writing this. 

It is a little surprising, (not in a bad way), that I managed to stick to my contract considering I remember feeling a little hesitant at the beginning of this course. I remember struggling to even write my introduction post, and now here I am having so much to say for my concluding post :) 

Never once did I think about dropping this course, but I was definitely curious as to how much I would enjoy it. I can very confidently say this has been my favourite course I have taken so far at UBC. Not only because of the amazing structure, which I will get into, but the welcoming and comforting feeling I feel attending this class (when it was on zoom and in person). 

The first day we were welcomed with music and little did I know every class we would be welcomed with music. Not only that, but everyone being individually welcomed with a hello at the start of class is something I have not seen before, and it makes me really happy. 

I don't think I could give a straight definition of what romance studies is, but however it should be defined all I know is that I love it, and would recommend it to everyone who hasn't taken it. I am not a reader in any way nor do I 100% commit to a lot of the courses I take (I will admit that). But not once did I find myself dreading this course. 

I love how judgement free it is and just how free it is in general. But also provides a very clear and straight to the point structure that is easy to understand and follow. I love how open our lovely TA's and Professor are about the reality of sometimes not understanding a book, and accepting that that's okay. 

There are books that we read during this course that I will genuinely never forget and discussions had in class that will also stick with me. Something I thought to myself a lot when listening to class discussions was how people interpreted the book differently and how amazing all the interpretations are. Sometimes I would read a book and feel discouraged that I did not understand and feel as though it was because I don't read often. But coming into class and seeing how passionate Jon is about each book and topic, was so inspiring and I always left the class with so much new knowledge. 

Overall, I could ramble on forever about how much I love this class and its structure and grading system but I will leave it at that. Thank you so much Jon, Patricio and Jennifer for an amazing experience with this course :) 


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